Transforming your network with SD-WAN: Connect with savings and better performance

Dell Technologies website, 2020 http://file:///C:/Us ... r%20v4.pdf

Expecting a traditional wide area network (WAN) to handle today’s Internet-heavy traffic is like using a single-lane country road system to handle the crush of cars during metropolitan rush hour. It just doesn’t let users get where they need to go in a fast and efficient way.   

Yet many organizations are still struggling with rising costs and capacity demands of a traditional WAN, in which the onslaught of Internet traffic is backhauled through their data centers across costly Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)—the traditional premium price transport procured from major telecom carriers. It is then sent through firewalls to the Internet.


Traditional WAN was designed for a time when a typical worker used the network predominantly for applications hosted in an organization’s data centers. Back then, if a user was in a branch office, everything he or she needed, from email to financial applications to HR services, was hosted in the data center. Users connected via MPLS, which was tried and true, proven and had very high SLAs. Connecting to the Internet was treated as untrusted traffic and was hosted outside data center locations with security infrastructure around it.


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