Cracking the Code for a World-class Developer Experience

DellTechnologies blog site, Dec. 1, 2021 https://www.delltech ... xperience/

Cracking the Code for a World-class Developer Experience

By Jaynene Hapanowicz

Several years ago, Dell Digital, the internal IT team at Dell Technologies, did a study that showed us something that most IT organizations have long struggled with—a lack of developer productivity. We found that our developers were only spending an estimated 20% of their time writing functional code. The rest of the time they were dealing with administrative tasks like provisioning infrastructure, running quality and security scans and getting their code into production. This required coordinating with change and release management, operations and a variety of other dependencies across the organization.

Faced with that nagging statistic, we decided to double down on creating a developer experience that could support them so they could spend most of their time doing what developers do best — creating solutions for the business. 

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