TV Turf Wars

Worcester Business Journal, Aug. 22, 2005

TV Turf Wars

By Micky Baca

Will CBS4’s Worcester bureau get it out of No. 3 spot in a 3-way race?

It may be summer rerun season, but a new TV reality show is unfolding in Worcester that has media experts and network executives watching with interest. The plot goes something like this: Can a major Boston network news channel find happiness - or at least higher ratings - in an evolving former mill city that many Bostonians still think you need a passport to visit? Or will Worcester’s warm embrace of CBS4’s shining new bureau overlooking its downtown grow cold as the promise of network news fidelity fades into the Boston-centric television news market? Stay tuned.

The arrival of CBS4’s first-ever major network news bureau in Worcester is not likely to have the audience appeal of "Desperate Housewives," but media analysts are staying tuned to find out what happens next. Read more in attached download.